Couldn't Believe It True

I'm twenty.
I'm in the military.
Friends who are my age are having kids.
Should we be adults now?

Responsible adults, that's a term used way too often as a condescending term for anyone below the age of twenty-six. Everyone knows this part of life is finding your boundaries, searching your place in the world and grabbing at opportunities wherever they may lie. Yet we should now be responsible for everything we do, all the smallest mistakes and the greatest achievements. We should know what we're doing and especially what our opinions are on all matters that are rushed to us.

Frankly, it's bullshit.

As a young adult, one should enjoy life to it's fullest. If it's to have children at a young age, then let it be just that. If it's smoking weed and ignoring the world going to shit, then let it be that. Overall, the outcome by all means is always the same; a young adult growing into the responsible adult. Not because society tells us it's what needs to happen, but because the younger generations will come about and hit their young adulthood and every reasonable person will deem the new generations as a bunch of asses and hooligans. And that's what makes a responsible adult, isn't it? In it's core, the ideal responsible adult is a cynic towards the youth of the day, snorts at most things new, dwells partly in nostalgia and has learned to know a little bit about how boring society really is.

I've always been a nostalgic cynic and I've even hated my own generation from time to time. For good reason too. But to be honest, it's not done me much good to be that way. It's kept me from doing a lot of neat things in life.
But now, with whatever highs and lows I've gone through, I think I'm ready to break free. Only a few more weeks until I'm an NCO, I know my place in there. And I know my move next summer when I'm moved to the reserve; a trip through Europe.

Life for the last two months has been cathartic. Very cathartic in a very positive way. A lot of old baggage carried away. Bittersweet becomes sweet.
Heh. Believe what you may.