As some may have learned from one source or another, my life has come to suffer quite the upheaval so far this year. My engagement was broken just before Christmas and I moved back to Finland less than a month afterwards. After some time living with my brothers, I have now found a new place and things are starting to look bright again.
So, here's the plan for a new future which I would not have dared attempt while abroad with a slight language barrier despite years of practice: I will continue writing and expanding my reach. Both interactive fiction, and genre fiction will be on the table. Patreon supporters already have access to drafts of short stories and flash fiction, which I aim to pump out on a monthly schedule. In addition, Patreon supporters from the $5 tier and up will have access to a short worldbuilding draft I have been working on for a new roleplaying setting.
But I want to do more. I want to get out there and proselytize interactivity in storytelling. I am hoping to sell the idea to schools and libraries nearby first as a pilot program, then expand out from there. It will be a class or workshop in interactive storytelling, aimed at youths who are consuming interactive stoytelling in apps and games, but may not be aware of exactly what it is, and just perhaps find a few striving authors from the bunch as well.
In addition, I aim to establish my Twitch channel Banteroll as a multimedia company. As well as continuing the current Twitch and Youtube entertainment programming, it will in the future publish the roleplaying world when time is right, and hopefully genre fiction from Nordic writers who seek to write in English, as I have. Support for foreign language publication is harsh outside of English speaking countries, and I hope for Banteroll to become, in part, a pillar to prop these minority writers up and onto the international scene without the competition placed on their manuscripts by native-speaking authors.
How long will all of this take? No idea. But I have ambitious goals and seek to accomplish them as best I can. One step at a time. I hope you will follow up on the journey I will be undertaking and perhaps become a part of it in the future!
Good luck to me.